Web Picture Identification Inc. o/a WebPicID

How does it work?

Act as an Agent for WebPicID (18 Years +)

Any individual who is at least 18 years old can Act as an Agent for WebPicID.

The new Member can choose to:

__ Enter the information by taking a picture of the front of each piece of identification.

__ Enter the information by typing the information into the screen.

Screen 3

Identification Document and Agent Affirmation screens.

WebPicID requires 3 pieces of identification

Primary Identification screen

Government issued Picture Identification

Drivers License , Passport, or Other

Secondary Identification

Unused Primary identification, Birth Certificate, or Other.

Address Identification

Any Statement of account

Utility bill dated in the last 30 days, (a cell phone bill is not accepted)



Health care cards are not acceptable

A letter from a government agency regardless of date is acceptable,

Use the 1st of the month as the date.

The Agent Section

The new member makes the identification documents available to Agent.

The Agent compares the information on the identification documents to the picture or text.

The Agent must provide the following information:

First Name, Last Name, Cell phone number, Cell provider, and Email address.

__Agree to the WebPicID Individual Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

__ I Affirm the new Member’s identity.

The Agent WebPicID account is credited with an Agent fee for every Act of Agency.

Agents can be come Members via:

Family Protection (ask the new Member to add you as a Family Member)

Paying for the Membership

Making 3 Acts of Agency,


All Members are considered contractors regardless of age.

Minor Members are Partnered with their Parent.

There are 4 jobs available to any Member.

Act as an Agent for WebPicID.

The Agent gets paid an Agent fee for each Act of Agency.

Refer an organization into signing up as a WebPicID Merchant.

Share WebPicID with an organization that signs up as a WebPicID Merchant.

Sign Up an organization with WebPicID.

These last 3 jobs pay 10% of net revenue from the Merchant to the named Member.


Family Protection FP

A Family is defined as at least one adult and at least one other person.

The Member activating FP is designated the Guardian/Parent of each Family Member,

Parent Members can add everyone in the family regardless of their age as a Member.

Dependent Members can use WebPicID services with the Parent's consent.

The individual activating an FP is designated the Parent of all family members.

All family members regardless of age can be signed up for WebPicID Services.

Minor Family Members MFM can use Safe Purchase to make online purchase.

The Parent grants permission to a MFM by transferring funds to the MFM’s WebPicID account.

An Adult Family Member GFM is allowed to use all services except Family Protection.

Minor Family Members cannot use Family Protection and Make a Payment.

Identity Theft Fraud Loss Reduction IDTFLR

WebPicID sends individuals a Notification 24/7 every time their identity is used at a WebPicID Merchant.

The Merchant advises individuals that they use WebPicID protect them from Identity Theft Fraud Losses.

WebPicID sends the buyer a Notification by email and Secure Message.

Your identity has been used at a WebPicID Merchant.”

Please go to WebPicID.com, log on, and Authorize, Cancel or declare the sale a Fraud.

The individual is asked to log on to WebPicID.com, verify their identity, and respond to the Notification in Secure Message.

IDTFLR Identity Theft Fraud Loss Reduction.

WebPicID provides individuals with protection from identity theft fraud losses.


A Notification is texted or emailed to the buyer.

If they are an existing Member it is sent by Secure Message.

Your identity has been used at a WebPicID Merchant.

Please log onto WebPicID.com and authorize the sale.

There are 4 possible responses to a Notification:

Authorized, Declined, Fraud, or Ignored

In all cases there is no fraud loss to either party.

The Merchant has the money and the merchandise.

Payment options:


Cash only at the Bank of America , TDBank, Wells Fargo, and ZELL.


Cash at the Bank of Montreal, the TD bank, and Email Money Transfers.

Safe Purchase SP

This is a non bank card online payment option.

Go to a Website and fill a shopping cart.

Open a new tab and Log On to WebPicID


Safe Purchase Request to ask WebPicID to make the payment.

Enter to amount of the Purchase, the Vendor URL

WebPicID will check to see if the Member has enough funds on deposit.

If the funds are not available:

A Message will appear

Funds are unavailable. Please make a deposit to WebPicID.”

Log on to Vendor site again.

Start over at the Safe Purchase request.

WebPicID will check to see if the Member has the funds deposit.

If Yes

WebPicID will debit the Member’s account and credit WebPicID’s account.

WebPicID will send a Secure Message with an accounting memo.

WebPicID will check to see if the Member is a minor, MFM.

If Yes

The delivery name is changed to the MFM’s Parent and to the Parent’s address.

WebPicID will send a Secure Message with an accounting memo to the Parent.

The tracking info and delivery date is captured by WebPicID and sent to Member(s).

The Merchant send the tracking info and delivery date to the Buyer.

Secure Message SM

Only the Sender and Recipient can read a SM and the attachments.

Both parties must verify their identity before sending or reading a SM.

Verified Identity Over The Net VIDOTN.

Every day we get calls from many people or organizations who we do not know.

Send them a Secure Message VIDOTN to verify their identity.

This is a pair of SM’s that have an Authentication code and a Verification code.

Members exchange Authentication codes and enter them into the box on the SM form.

They press submit and a message saying Identity Verified and the Verification code.

When both parties have verified their identity, the SM is populated with each party’s profile.

Once they have verified their identity, you can verify your identity.

If you are satisfied then you can have a conversation or exchange Secure Messages.